Paint stripping
Anyone wanting to get rid of just plain old paint on dissimilar metals and without damaging the surface, a quick, effective and safe way to get rid of old paint Alit chemical paint stripping technology.
How does paint stripping work?
Ral-Est uses Alit Tehnologies products for paint stripping. Alit Tehnologies is aleading Italian company in Europe, their products are designed for professional use only , to achieve the best possible results.
the quality of paint stripping. Read more about Alit Technologies here:
Removal can be carried out by different methods. These are irrigation/spraying, spraying and ultrasound procedures. For watering, we offer foaming products, and for spraying, we offer ultrasonic and non-foaming products optimally adapted to the process.
- Sensitive surfaces, e.g.. Aluminium, zinc, galvanised steel, non-ferrous metals can only be treated with so-called soft paint strippers. These paint removers are based on high boiling point CHC-free solvents with inorganic removal accelerators.
- Unlike sensitive materials such as aluminium and zinc, parts made of steel can be removed in a highly alkaline aqueous environment without damaging the material.
- Plastic removal is becoming increasingly important as plastics are increasingly recycled. However, in order to be recycled, they need to be cleaned of impurities, such as dyes, before being granulated. Another area is the repainting of plastics that have been incorrectly coated. Paint stripping of these materials will pay for itself if the cost of new plastics exceeds the cost of paint stripping. Examples include bumpers made of PP-EPDM or car mirrors made of ABS.
- Removing furniture or shutters from wood requires a material-friendly working method. Wood is often removed by spraying to minimise contact time with the stripping agent. In addition, post-treatment of uncoated wood with a neutralising agent is particularly important.